November News and a Special Thanksgiving Offer from The Heritage Law Center

POSTED ON: November 4, 2015

It’s no secret in my family that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  Yes, I love Fall, football, and turkey with all the fixings. But I also love the reflective time we get bringing family together and celebrating each other and our own good fortune. It’s always a good time to check in with loved ones near and far and think about how you can help each achieve a life to be thankful for.

I have so much to be thankful for—not the least of which is being able to serve the North ShoreAs my way of giving back and saying “thank you,” I am going to not only help you and your family but also help the less fortunate members of our community during this Thanksgiving season.

Here’s the scoop on the offer: If you make an appointment in November for a Family Wealth Planning Session you’ll get it FREE and I’ll donate $100 to The Greater Boston Food Bank in your name! During your FREE planning session, you will:

  • Choose the right guardians for your kids and avoid making any of the SIX common mistakes most families (and even regular lawyers) make when naming legal guardian.
  • Learn the secret to protecting the money you leave behind from lawsuits, mistakes and divorce.
  • Discover how to leave your loved ones a gift far greater than your money.
  • Ensure your family never has to see the inside of a courtroom if anything happens to you.
Taking care of the things you’ve been putting off is how you show your loved ones your gratitude and appreciation this holiday season! I hope this season you are healthy and happy, and planning ahead to keep it that way. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
My Thanksgiving Gift has a value of $750, but is worth MUCH more to your family!


Make an appointment in November for a
Family Wealth Planning Session
and you’ll get it FREEPlus, I’ll donate $100 to The Greater Boston Food Bank in your name! 

So by taking care of YOUR family, you’ll also be taking care of a family who needs your help this holiday season.
Contact us to schedule: