Matthew Karr, Esq., Presents Estate Planning Seminar for Lawyers through MCLE

POSTED ON: March 22, 2016

On March 9th, Matthew Karr, Esq., of The Heritage Law Center in Woburn, joined three colleagues to present an educational workshop for Lawyers on the topic of Estate Planning. The seminar, “Latest Techniques for Middle Class Estates – Thinking Beyond the Basics,” was held at the Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education Conference Center in Boston as well as via live webcast. Attended by more than 100 Lawyers, the MCLE seminar focused on the need for an individual approach to Estate Planning, versus a “one-size-fits-all” approach. Individualized Estate Planning is crucial since the needs are as diverse as the client’s life-stage – from young families with children and emerging wealth to recent empty nesters, to seniors preparing for long-term care.

“It was an honor being asked by MCLE to present on this topic because it is such a vital part of what I do and what I care about,” said Karr. “Making sure middle-class families can protect themselves and their assets is something I take seriously.” Participants reviewed topics including Tax Minimization Techniques, Long-term Care, Asset Protection Planning and Estate Planning Strategies for Young Families. Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation governed by a board of trustees and assisted by curriculum advisory committees addressing nine distinct areas of legal practice. The MCLE’s mission provides comprehensive and practical continuing legal education of the highest quality.

“Whenever you are asked to educate your fellow attorneys it is a big responsibility.  I think the faculty and MCLE did a great job here, and the attending attorneys had great things to say about the program. Hopefully this will help others take their practice to the next level and help more families in Massachusetts,” Karr added. The recorded webcast of the presentation will be rebroadcast on March 23rd at 2 p.m. and is also available in the MCLE video library.