The Rhinestone Cowboy’s Estate Battle

POSTED ON: January 7, 2019

Glen Campbell was a country music legend. He passed away on August 8, 2017, at the age of 81 when he was in the final stages of Alzheimer’s disease. During his lifetime, Glen married four times and had 5 sons and 3 daughters. He made his Alzheimer’s diagnosis public in 2011.

Glen Campbell left two wills: one written in 2001 and the other created in 2006. His 2006 will left his estate to his current wife of 34 years, Kimberly Campbell, and 5 of his 8 adult children, but it intentionally omitted his 3 adult children from his marriage to his second wife, Billie Jean Nunley.

Those children challenged the will and were given the right by a judge to legally contest the will. Their position was that Campbell’s Alzheimer’s symptoms started prior to the creation of his wills, making them invalid due to a lack of capacity or undue influence.

It looked like there was going to be a legal battle over the estate, but then on Monday November, 19, 2018, those three siblings suddenly agreed to dismiss their fight for a piece of their father’s estate. No reason was given, however, it was recently reported that although Campbell’s estate was estimated to be close to $50 million when he died, a recent accounting of it’s worth valued it at $410,000.