The Right Estate Planning Can Protect Your Assets

POSTED ON: August 6, 2018

Estate planning is more than just designating who gets what. It’s about safeguarding and protecting your assets from unfortunate events that may occur in the future. If you don’t use asset protection strategies, your estate can be at risk for a variety of reasons, such as a claim from an accident victim or a creditor, a divorce, taxes, or personal bankruptcy, just to name a few. But there are ways to minimize that risk.

At The Heritage Law Center, we focus on creating an estate plan that protects your assets for you and your beneficiaries. It’s important to put a plan in place before there are any risks that could affect your wealth.

First, we discuss your financial position and goals—both short- and long-term. Then we review asset protection tools and strategies based on your unique needs. Finally, we use our experience and expertise to guide you to those that would best protect your assets. Here are just some of the asset protection options available:

  • Trusts, including living trusts and pour-over trusts
  • Re-titling of assets to use protected forms of ownership
  • A homestead declaration
  • Strategic gifting
  • Annuities

Let us help you protect your assets so that as much of your hard-earned wealth as possible will be available to your loved ones. Call us at 617.299.6976 or send an email to to schedule a free, initial consultation.