Create a Family Legacy as Part of your Estate Plan

POSTED ON: March 9, 2011

Your ‘estate’ is more than a just piece of property or bank account balance. It consists of everything you would want to leave your family with, including your values, memories and personal reflections. It is in fact these assets that are often most priceless to your loved ones. However, most people have not taken the time to build a non-monetary legacy that can be passed on to their loved ones.

Record a video message, write a letter to you children and revise it as they grow, keep a scrap book of important events in your family’s life. Whatever you do your family is sure to cherish the memories you pass on for generations to come. Just remember to let your family or your attorney know this non-monetary inheritance exists so it will not be lost. You could even incorporate it into your will so you can be certain it will be shared the way you want it.