When Does Your Aging Loved One Need You to Step in and Provide Care?

POSTED ON: September 9, 2019

About 23% of adults ages 45 to 64 care for an aging adult. So how do you know when your older loved one needs you to care for them?

Warning Signs
Do they appear disheveled or confused? Are they keeping up with basic hygiene and grooming?

Living Conditions
Are simple tasks getting done in the house like doing the dishes, dusting, and cleaning up simple messes? Is there enough food in the refrigerator and the cupboards and does that food have future expiration dates?

Do they have memory issues on a more frequent basis? Have they missed important appointments more than one or two times? We all misplace our glasses, but severe memory lapses can be dangerous.

Does the person have issues moving around safely? Are there signs of frequent falling like bruises?

Mood Swings
If your loved one has extreme mood swings, it could be a warning flag that something is wrong.

The best way to see how an older loved one is doing is to visit them on a frequent basis. This way you can see if something in their behavior or house has suddenly changed. If you live too far away for that, you can contact a home care service that helps with certain things and can keep an eye on the person. It’s vital that warning signs that the elderly person needs help not go unnoticed.

Develop a Plan
If you see that some help is needed, develop a plan with your family and your aging loved one. It might be best to start with easy changes like cleaning the house or making simple home repairs. If needed, hire someone to do those tasks. If your loved one needs more care, you might consider professional in-home care, a retirement community, or a senior living community. It’s important to find the right care for your unique family situation.

Meet with an Elder Law Attorney
The best care for your loved one includes making sure they have documents that legally protect them and their assets. We offer a free consultation where you can discuss your current circumstance and we then provide you with helpful information and experienced guidance. Contact us at 617.299.6976 or mkarr@maheritagelawcenter.com.