Estate Planning: It’s Not Just About Who Gets What

POSTED ON: May 19, 2020

Yes, there is a component of estate planning that’s about the distribution of your assets to your beneficiaries. Who gets what money, who gets the family heirlooms, who will receive the big assets. But estate planning is so much more than that.

Estate planning is also about planning for:

  • Who will care for your young children when you’re not here
  • The well-being of your spouse and possibly even your parents
  • Someone to manage, protect, and grow all the assets you’ve worked for over the years once you’re gone
  • Making sure you protect your estate from taxes so you can leave your family as much as possible
  • Continued peace in your family so what gets inherited doesn’t create major fights between your loved ones
  • The possibility that you might become incapacitated and unable to make your own decisions in regard to your health care. You want to ensure that you’re taken care of how you want and not burden your family with trying to figure out what to do in a crisis situation.
  • A situation where you might become unable to manage your own legal, financial, or business affairs. You can name a trusted person to handle these types of issues for you.

Estate planning can help you and your family in so many important ways. The most difficult part is just getting started. Contact us today for a free, initial consultation at 617.299.6976 or send an email to Our attorney, Matthew Karr, Esq., will sit down with you to get to know you, your current situation, and your unique estate planning needs. At that time, you’ll discuss the types of documents that would work best for you and Matt will answer any questions you have. Once you make the consultation appointment, Matt will walk you step-by-step through the process until you have an estate plan that works for you.