Giving Thanks with an Estate Plan

It’s almost Thanksgiving time—time to get together with those you hold dear and remember all the blessing that you and your family have been given. This year, as you sit

POSTED ON: November 14, 2011

It’s almost Thanksgiving time—time to get together with those you hold dear and remember all the blessing that you and your family have been given. This year, as you sit around the table with your loved ones and enjoy the good food and conversation, think for a moment about what steps you have taken to protect your family’s future. There’s no time like the present to put your estate plan into action, and the dinner table can be a great place to get the conversation rolling.

An estate plan, essentially, is a tool that allows you to thank those you love by ensuring their well-being. How? By remembering their care and support in your will, by protecting your assets for future generations in a trust, or by lifting a burden off of their shoulders by putting important decisions concerning your health care and financial affairs in writing, rather than leaving it up to them to decide. You can also save them the time, expense and frustration of the probable process by planning your estate, leaving them time to reflect on your personal relationship rather than having to deal with judges and bills when you’re gone.

The first step though, is having a conversation. Take the time to discuss your goals and concerns with your family, get their advice, and then seek out an experienced estate planning attorney who can put your good intentions into action. It’s never too soon to start planning, but it can certainly be too late if you procrastinate. Protecting your assets now will pay huge dividends down the road both for yourself and your family. What better way to say thanks?

Call the Heritage Law Center today for a free consultation on asset protection and family legacy strategies. And, have a very happy Thanksgiving!