U.S. Rep. Giffords Recovering from Her Wounds

POSTED ON: January 15, 2011

One week after being shot through the head, U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is off the ventilator and breathing on her own through a tracheotomy tube, the University Medical Center of Tucson, Arizona, said Saturday

via CNN.com – Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News.

Thank God that this young, accomplished woman seems to be making a recovery.  Tragic events, including random acts of violence like this, can never be anticipated.  All we can do is hope for the best and prepare for the worst.  It’s difficult to think about, but imagine if she was not able to make the remarkable recover she is undergoing and instead was left in a vegitative state on life support.  Would she want to remain that way indefinitely?  Hopefully she would have had a health care proxy and advanced directive as part of her estate plan, so her family could feel secure that they were following her wishes in such tragic circumstances.  My prayers go out to her and her family.