2016: The Year of Your Estate Plan

POSTED ON: January 7, 2016

As outlined recently by Business Insider, even people who seem to have it all–famous and highly successful people–make New Year’s Resolutions. Interestingly, most of them focus not on how to make themselves better, but rather on how to help others. In fact, many of them focus on family and paying forward their good fortune.

Why not follow their lead and make 2016 the year you give your family the biggest gift? And that is safety and security for the future. One way to do that is to complete your estate plan. There is nothing more satisfying than knowing your family is provided for and checking this important box on your to-do list.

If you’ve already taken care of your plans, then you know how great it feels and what a relief it is to know that your family and assets are planned for. So why not make a resolution to pay it forward by helping a beloved friend or family member take care of their planning?

One of our New Year’s Resolutions is to help as many people as possible put in place a well-considered trust-based estate plan. We know wishing that everyone had an estate plan in place isn’t going to make it happen, though.

We need to act. 

And so, from January 1, 2016 to January 31, 2016, we are offering a $500 DISCOUNT on trust-based estate plans. 

Contact us today to schedule: 

