Attorney Karr Presents to Boston Bar on Estate Planning with Real Estate

POSTED ON: April 27, 2016

Real estate is an essential part of most family’s financial portfolio. It is often the most valuable asset a family has and its value contributes significantly to the total value of the estate. Therefore, it is likely the most common asset an Estate Planner will need to consider in creating an Estate Plan.

On April 6th, Matthew Karr examined the subject of Estate Planning with Real Estate in a Seminar offered by the Boston Bar Association at their Beacon Street location. His presentation covered the many considerations Real Estate brings to the table in the estate planning context. Topics included tax planning, asset protection and conveyancing options and the most common estate planning techniques to manage them.

The seminar aimed to educate Attorneys on how to identify potential issues regarding real estate and how to discuss them with clients who need to consider Estate Planning. Also reviewed were details on how to protect real estate assets from creditors and long term care, as well as how to smartly and efficiently pass on real estate assets to client beneficiaries, and which estate planning vehicles are most appropriate to achieve a client’s objectives.

“The Bar Association is such a great place for attorneys to learn and expand their practice expertise” said Attorney Karr. “I was honored to be asked to present there. Learning how to protect and plan for real estate therefore is something that every good Estate Planner needs to know how to do.”

For more information on Estate Planning with Real Estate, please contact Attorney Matthew Karr at The Heritage Law Center, (617)299-6976 or