Charitable Giving: The Greatest Gift

POSTED ON: December 21, 2015

In this season of giving, it is important to recognize those who give back. Kirk Douglas, widely known for his lengthy career in the movies, can add one more star to his personal walk of fame and that is for his philanthropy.

It’s a good idea to consider your charitable giving throughout the year, but it’s an especially helpful consideration at the end of the year. Now is a great time to come up with a plan not just for the year ahead, but for the rest of your life, and beyond.

If creating a plan for charitable giving is on your mind and you don’t know where to start, we can help. Contact us to schedule a comprehensive estate planning session and we will also help you figure out your long-term plan for giving.

Giving is also on our minds. In fact, our gift to you this holiday season is a FREE Kids Protection Plan for you and your family when you set up a comprehensive estate plan.

Did you know that if you’re in an accident, your kids could be taken into protective custody until the police can figure out who has legal authority to take them, even if you’ve named legal guardians for them in your will?

That’s because the people who spend time with your kids don’t have that authority automatically. To make sure your kids are not taken into the care of strangers, even for a minute, you should set up a Comprehensive Kids Protection Plan, where you will:

  • Choose the best guardian(s) for your family
  • Choose short- and long-term guardians
  • Learn when to share guardianship information
  • Make it all legally binding

And you will put in place a well-considered estate plan that ensures your assets are immediately and privately available to your loved ones.

Contact us today to schedule: 617-299-6976 ,