Interview with Matthew Karr, Esq. About MassHealth’s Child Caretaker Exemption

POSTED ON: December 18, 2023

Our lawyer, Matthew Karr, Esq., was recently interviewed by New York Magazine’s The Cut about MassHealth’s Child Caretaker Exemption. Due to his extensive experience with MassHealth for long-term care, he was able to share valuable insight about MassHealth’s Child Caretaker Exemption. This exemption allows a senior to transfer their primary home to their adult child who has been providing them with care.

This exemption can come into play when an adult child lives in the house with the parent and provides care that enables the parent to continue to live at home, instead of having to move to a nursing home. This arrangement must exist for at least two years immediately prior to the parent’s admittance to a nursing home. The Child Caretaker Exemption is looked at as being compensation for providing that care to the parent.

This exemption allows the transfer of the home to the adult child without violating MassHealth’s Look-Back Period and jeopardizing their long-term care Medicaid eligibility. The Child Caretaker Exemption also protects the home from MassHealth’s Estate Recovery Program.

Read the full article and see what insights Matthew shared.