What Legacy Will You Leave Behind?

POSTED ON: February 11, 2020

What Legacy Will You Leave Behind?

Each of us has the opportunity to build our own legacy. Our legacy is what we leave behind to our loved ones, and it’s the influence we have on them even when we’re gone from this world. When you plan your legacy, you consciously shape the way you’ll be remembered after you pass away. What exactly does a legacy entail?

Family Relationships
The relationships you’ve had with your loved ones are an important part of your legacy. The guidance you’ve given to help them navigate life, the comfort and support you’ve provided during turbulent times in their lives, and all the love and memories you’ve shared with them are all details they will hold closely to their hearts when you’re gone.

Family History
As time moves on and your older relatives pass away, you become the one person who remembers your family’s history. If you don’t pass it down to the younger generations in your family, it will just get lost forever. Write down the family history you know, so your family members can learn from it and be inspired by it even after you’re gone.

Moral and Spiritual Values
Family members who have asked you for guidance in the past, may feel lost when you’re gone. Share your values and beliefs with them in an ethical will, so that they may use it to help navigate through life.

Giving to others also becomes part of your legacy. If you give to worthy causes, volunteer, or create a charitable foundation or trust, your generosity will be remembered for years to come.

Getting Your Affairs in Order
You can choose to get your affairs in order or leave everything to be figured out by others after you pass away. Getting your affairs in order means creating a will or trust, putting your healthcare preferences in writing (health care proxy and living will), choosing a durable power of attorney in case you become unable to manage your legal, financial, or business affairs, and making sure your loved ones know where they can find all these documents when they’re needed. By not doing your estate planning, you leave your family and friends to muddle through and argue with each other to figure it all out during a time when they’re grieving.

Doing your estate planning is important for everyone—no matter how much wealth you have.

It can give you and your family more financial security and reduce family turmoil. It’s also your chance to decide who gets what. If you have family heirlooms, there are likely specific people you want to leave them to who will treasure them. Or if you’ve gotten some item in your lifetime cherish, you can decide who to pass it on to.

We can help you get your affairs in order. Being prepared by doing your estate planning can have a profound effect on your legacy. It’s easy to get the peace of mind of knowing that you’ve documented your plans to protect your assets, your family, and yourself. We have the expertise to help you through every step of the estate planning process and provide you with documents that will ensure that your wishes are carried out. Contact us at 617.299.6976 or mkarr@maheritagelawcenter.com, and we’ll make a free, no-obligation initial consultation appointment for you.