Make Sure You Share this Information with Your Estate Planning Attorney

POSTED ON: March 10, 2021

estate planning attorney

The goal of any good Massachusetts estate planning attorney is to create the best estate plan for you and your situation. That means that the estate planning lawyer asks for details like what assets you have, who your beneficiaries are, and what your goals are for your estate plan. But it’s also important to tell them about any issue that could affect your estate plan. Some people hesitate to share personal information, but in the case of your estate planning, it’s essential to make sure that the plan developed for you really meets your needs.

Items to discuss include:

Family Concerns

Our family is often the source of our greatest joys and, at times, can also be the cause of our biggest challenges. People don’t like to talk about those challenges, but they should be considered when doing your estate plan. For example, if you have an adult child who has struggled with a gambling problem, you can leave their inheritance in a trust with planned distribution and instructions of what to do if it’s suspected that gambling has become an issue again.

Or perhaps you’re concerned with other people laying claim to your son’s inheritance. If you’re concerned that your adult son might end up in a divorce, a trust can protect his inheritance from the divorce process.

Health Problems

If you’re struggling with a certain disease or a serious medical condition, share that information with your estate planning lawyer. It’s important to take those facts into account when thinking through what estate planning tools are best for you.

All of Your Assets

Sometimes people forget to mention certain assets. Tell your estate planning attorney about all the assets you have. Do you get alimony? Is there any current or anticipated inheritance coming your way? Do you have a life insurance policy? The lawyer needs all of this information to determine your total assets, which can impact any estate tax planning that needs to be done.

As an experienced Massachusetts estate planning attorney, I’ll create the best estate plan for you based on your total assets, your specific situation, your family’s needs, and your goals. Contact us today at 617.299.6976 or send an email to to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation by phone, video, or in our office.