Massachusetts Middling for Best States for Aging

POSTED ON: February 11, 2020

The U.S. population is aging rapidly thanks in large part to aging baby boomers. The Census Bureau estimates that by 2040, the number of adults over the age of 65 in the U.S. will grow to more than 80 million seniors, which will be almost a quarter of the country’s population.

U.S. News & World Report recently assessed all 50 states and gave each state an Aging in America ranking. Out of the 50 states, Massachusetts ranked #27. That means we ranked better than 23 other states but worse than 26 other states in regard to being one of the best states for aging. It definitely would have been nicer to see our home state rank higher than that. Here are the scores:

Life expectancy 12 (so only 11 other states were ranked as having better life expectancy)
Medicare quality 4
Nursing home quality 17
Cost of care 47
Health 22
Mental distress 30
Able-bodied 15
Physical activity 32
Primary care 6
Cost of living 43
Low unemployment 37

So, Massachusetts scored well in life expectancy, Medicare quality, primary care, having an older population that is able-bodied, but not well on cost of care, mental distress, physical activity, cost of living, and low unemployment.

Our neighbor, Maine, ranked #1 with excellent Medicare quality, nursing home quality, health, mental distress, and primary care.

Demographic change is coming as baby boomers age, people live longer, and families have fewer children. Hopefully, states will continue to adapt to the needs of this changing population.