How an Elder Law Attorney Can Help You

POSTED ON: January 11, 2021

Elderly Couple on Their Estate

An elder law attorney focuses on the legal needs of seniors. As an elder law firm in Massachusetts, we work with a variety of legal tools and techniques that specifically meet the goals and objectives of our older clients.

What can an elder law attorney do for you?

We have the expertise and knowledge to help you with:

  • Preserving assets
    This is important so when one spouse enters a nursing home, the spouse living in the community continues to have funds to live on.
  • MassHealth (Medicaid) planning
    We understand the MassHealth rules and will review your estate and healthcare needs, and help arrange your assets to protect them from nursing home costs and qualify you for MassHealth assistance.
  • MassHealth/Medicaid application
    People often need help with the MassHealth application. As an experienced elder law firm in Massachusetts, we’ll help you through the burdensome and confusing application process.
  • Disability planning
    This includes durable powers of attorney and trusts for financial management, and health care proxies and living wills for health care decisions.
  • Estate planning
    We’ll help you document how you want your estate handled during your lifetime and how you’d like it distributed after your death.
  • Administration and management of estates and trusts
    After a person dies, their estate must be administered. This includes paying creditors, filing the will, taking an inventory of the property, paying taxes, notifying beneficiaries, and distributing the assets. If the person had a trust, the assets will be handled through a trust administration.
  • Probate
    If a relative has died and either left a will or left no estate planning documents, we help navigate you through the court’s probate process in a timely and cost-efficient way.
  • Conservatorship and guardianship:
    If someone hasn’t created advance directives like a health care proxy or a durable power of attorney, loved ones have to go to probate court to pursue a conservatorship or guardianship.
  • Long-term care planning
    We’ll discuss your needs and review the options that would work best for you, including home options.
  • Personal care contract
    This agreement is a contract typically between a family member who agrees to provide caregiver services for a disabled or aging relative and the person receiving care. It clarifies what tasks are expected in return for a stated compensation, making sure these earned funds aren’t considered disqualifying gifts for MassHealth.

Contact The Heritage Law Center, LLC to Get Started

Contact us today to schedule a confidential, no-cost consultation to discuss your situation. We’ll be able to tell you in the first meeting how our expertise in this area could help your or your loved one. Please send an email to or call us at 617.299.6976 to schedule an in-person, phone, or video appointment.